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Control refers to a significant aspect of the management function of an organization. It is the process of setting a standard to achieve business goal, making comparisons between actual performances of the company with the standards and conducting corrective actions if deficiencies are present (McWilliams, A & Williams, C, 2014). Google has chosen to fit normative control, out of many other types of organizational control.






















In an organization applying normative control, higher positioned workers has less control over the workers in the lower hierarchy, as they given the authority to share individual ideas and perspectives, thus to implement and evaluate their ideas to the business.

McWilliams, A & Williams, C, (2014) stated, “Normative control are created in two ways”. Firstly, it is created as the firm passes through all stages of recruitments of employees in order to employ ones with good attitudes and ones who have already obtained skills for the particular job. Secondly, newly recruited workers face natural on the job training by learning and stimulating how the senior workers work and manages tasks in the company.


Normative control can be related to laissez-faire leadership style. Laissez-faire occurs as the workers are given the responsibility to take decisions on their own as the firm assumes that the employees knows the most efficient and effectiveness way of fulfilling tasks. (Stimpson,P & Farquharson, A, 2010).

















Throughout Google’s history, the company utilizes normative control and laissez-faire policy (Murray, S, 2011). The company had an experiment and employed several intelligent engineers and allowed them to manage and control themselves. This was a success as the highly skilled workers were able to maximize their ability as the values and the beliefs of the company were their main guidelines.





Google continues to encourage their employees to think innovatively and to implement the ideas to a positive outcome (Manimala, M, J and Wasdani, K, P, 2013). The company maintains its policy to only recruit employees meeting adequate requirements and providing them an environment free of supervision to allow the enhancement of the employee’s ability (Manimala, M, J and Wasdani, K, P, 2013). Additionally, internal information is widely shared within workers, as trust is built amongst all employees (Marc, 2014). Trust is one of the key features of normative control as without trust, Google would not be able to share and delegate control with workers in various hierarchy.


































It is believed that impressive output is achieved from normative control. Workers have the opportunity to choose orders of project to be accomplished and they will manage to attain the task in their own, most suitable way resulting in sufficient outcomes (Marc, 2014).

Management blog by Marina, Praew, Felicia, Aldo


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